Oct 19, 2011

Create a Funny Wooden Type Treatment in Photoshop


Click on the image for a larger preview
preview of the final result

Support material:

Step 1
Create a new document in Photoshop with the following settings:
create a new document in Photoshop
Step 2
Double click on the background layer and hit OK to unlock it. Now right-click on the same layer and select Blending Options. Here we will add a radial gradient going from a light grey to a darker one:
add a radial gradient
radial gradient
Step 3
Grab the Rounder Rectangle tool, set 40 px for the radius and create a polygon. The color is not important at this stage since we will apply layer styles later.
create a polygon using the rounded rectangle tool
Step 4
Right-click on the layer and select Blending Options. At first let’s switch the color overlay to brown
add color overlay
Secondly let’s apply bevel and emboss with these settings:
adding bevel and emboss effect
The last touch is a soft drop shadow
adding a soft drop shadow
Step 5
Press ctrl+T to activate the transform tool and rotate a bit the polygon. Then press enter to apply the transformation.
rotate the polygon
Step 6
Paste in the wooden surface texture and place it in a layer above the polygon’ s one. Rotate the texture too. In the screenshot below I reduced the wood opacity to show you the polygon position.
rotate the wooden texture
Step 7
With the wooden texture selected, ctrl+click on the polygon vector mask to select its pixels. Then press the “add layer mask” button at the bottom of the layers window. The screenshot below will help you understand better this step:
add a layer mask
Step 8
Select the wooden texture layer and switch the layer blending mode to soft light. This will make visible layer effects we applied to the polygon. Then apply the sharpen filter (Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen) to enhance wood details.
switch the layer blending mode to soft light
Step 9
Repeat the same process to create another stick. The only difference is the polygon color overlay, that is a lighter brown (#d5864d)
create another stick
Step 10
At this point open the wooden background in Photoshop. With the elliptical marque tool make a selection of the nail head.
make a selection of the nail head
Step 11
Copy (ctrl+C) and paste (ctrl+V) the selection into our main canvas and place it into the intersection between the 2 sticks.
paste in the nail head
Step 12
Press shift+ctrl+U to desaturate the nail. Then apply a pillow emboss to create the engraved effect
adding styles to the nail
OK folks. We can stop here with the tutorial. The rest of the type treatment is the result of the same technique applied several times. Now you can create your own wooden text effect!
preview of the final result

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