Oct 21, 2011

Extend Laptop Battery Life and Fix Power Consumption Problems

The real problems with Laptops and Notebooks is their Battery Life. Most of the Laptop batteries are failing to live the duration specified by the manufacturers. Actually manufacturers are not responsible for these failures because some laptops backup time is very good. The reason for poor battery life is the Laptop settings ( timeout and sleep settings, display settings, and screensavers)

Microsoft is now is providing Windows users with a “Fix It” download via its Microsoft Support website, designed to make their laptop batteries live longer. The tool works best for Windows 7 laptops and notebooks, but also for computers running Windows Vista and XP.

How to Extend Laptop Battery Life ?

Download the MicrosoftFixit.power.Run.exe here and launch it on their Windows laptop. (Click “Run Now” to download the file) 

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