Oct 23, 2011

How to get rid of SPAM? (Very easy and different ways)

In These Days Spamming Become Very Dangerous. When We Check out E-Mails There is Many
Spamming E-mails.

Then I started to report benefits Jisse email with a SPAM reduction in spam and spammers had
to change your E-mail.
So way too much benefit.

First, if a spam email, then click on Show original.

After open a Window which can used the headers of email, be sure to copy it all.

Then Go To SPAMCOP.NET now open after copy and make it Lagin (if the account is not created)
and then see a box Lagin after you paste text in which he engaged copy of the "Process Spam"
click should be placed.

Just a few seconds the page will now redirect to the end of the page where you "Send SPAM Report" box will appear and if intimidate Base then write your threatening it:) (It is to Infarmesn Adhik ) and "Send SPAM Report" to click.

Your job is done, once you learn to report if you could very easily report spam emails. And to report after you get an ID which you can later see what the report claimed.

Spam Report Use?

Ruck time to report the spammer to the server provider has to respond to the wide, in SpamCop Blacklist is not on. 

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